Our ESG Approach

Our ESG Approach Why ESG Matters to European DataWarehouse Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) principles are dominating the investment mainstream. They are the three key criteria that retail and institutional investors increasingly apply to measure the sustainability and societal impact of an investment in a company or business. European DataWarehouse’s social mission since its … Continued


Code of Conduct Operating with Integrity EDW’s Code of Conduct shapes the company’s operations, reputation, and overall attitude to how we do business. It defines the expectations we have of our employees, consultants, contractors, suppliers, subsidiaries, and affiliates. Our Code addresses four main areas: Conduct towards our customers, Conduct towards our employees, Conduct towards our … Continued

ESG – A sustainable finance journey beyond the EU taxonomy

ESG – A Sustainable Finance Journey beyond the EU Taxonomy Sustainable Finance a key focus under the EU Green Deal The European regulatory landscape has been characterised by a period of profound change and development over the last decade. More recently, one of the main priorities of the European authorities and policy makers is sustainable … Continued

Leveraging CDR Indices for Benchmarking Purposes

Leveraging CDR Indices For Benchmarking Purposes The Constant Default Rate (CDR), the annualised periodic default rate of a securitisation, is a typical input in ABS cash flow models. Cash flow model users may need a CDR Index to conduct plausibility checks and compare CDR assumptions vs actual observed CDRs. CDRs ARE AVAILABLE IN ESMA-FORMAT INVESTOR … Continued