A Successful Start

European DataWarehouse officially started operating on January 3rd in Frankfurt. During the first year, over 600 RMBS and SME transactions were created in EDwin and more than 350 clients, including data users, issuers, trustees, servicers and rating agencies, registered with EDW. EDW developed a free software called EDW Data Conversion Toolkit to allow easy upload … Continued


OUR SOLUTIONS AND PRODUCTS Solutions for Accessing and Providing Data European DataWarehouse (EDW) provides a range of solutions for both providing and accessing loan-level data for European ABS transactions. Our tools range from highly technical interfaces to web-based, user-friendly solutions you can access anywhere. Best of all, our tools are updated on an ongoing basis … Continued


Solutions For Reporting Entities CONTACT OUR TEAM Data Quality Scores EDITOR EDITOR is an integrated web application developed by European DataWarehouse for the seamless analysis and upload of loan-level data (LLD). It allows issuers to pre-screen and analyse LLD files and upload them directly to European DataWarehouse. Learn More EDW Basic EDW Basic is a … Continued