EDW Hosts First European Sustainable Auto ABS


European DataWarehouse (EDW) is pleased to host the first Auto ABS deal in Europe consisting solely of loans for alternative fuel vehicles (AVF).

Koromo Italy S.r.l. is a €532m transaction, issued by Toyota Financial Services Italia S.p.A., and is backed by a pool of loans comprising 98.4% hybrid cars.

The deal is composed of personal loans for new, low CO2-emission vehicles originating in Italy and is further characterized by a balloon payment at the end of amortisation plan.

“The issuance of this deal marks a step in the right direction for the European ABS market, which is expected to play a key role in financing Europe’s energy transition,” says Dr. Christian Thun, CEO of European DataWarehouse.

Toyota Financial’s Chief Financial Officer, Francesco Cosciotti says, “we are delighted that our first-of-its-kind transaction has been so well-received by the market. As always, we strive to offer a high-quality credit portfolio and financial products that are in line with customers’ needs.”

EDW hosts loan-level data on more than 15 million cars and is committed to enhancing the availability of auto loan and leasing data to develop relevant credit risk models to further stimulate investment into green ABS deals.

EDW and the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE were awarded a grant by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research in October 2022 to undertake a three-year project called Green Auto Securitisation (GAS) for the promotion of the green auto asset-backed securities (ABS) market. The project investigates how a green finance mechanism could support the financing of low-emission vehicles.

Further information about Toyota’s Koromo deal is available to registered users of EDW’s Securitisation Repository by clicking here and logging into the EDITOR platform.

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Media Contact

European DataWarehouse GmbH

Carla Scarsella
Marketing & Communications Manager
Tel. 49 (0) 69 50986 9320
Email: carla.scarsella@eurodw.eu