European Commission Report on the Review of the Securitisation Regulation

European Commission Report on the Review of the Securitisation Regulation On 10 October 2022, the European Commission (EC) published a report on the review of the Securitisation Regulation, based on their findings from a consultation with the industry and input from supervisory authorities. European DataWarehouse, as an ESMA-registered securitisation repository, submitted a response to the … Continued

Everything you need to know about EDW’s Data Quality Scoring

Everything you need to know about EDW’s Data Quality Scoring To increase the quality and useability of loan-level data submitted to its Securitisation Repository platform, European DataWarehouse (EDW) introduced data quality scoring on a deal level in 2017. Since then, EDW has developed and applied more than 4,000 rules and checks to both the ECB … Continued

The new EBA NPL templates and taxonomy: another step towards European NPL transparency and standardisation

The new EBA NPL templates and taxonomy: another step towards European NPL transparency and standardisation Building on the European Council’s 2017 "Action Plan to Tackle Non-Performing Loans in Europe," the European Commission (EC) published its strategy in December 2020 to further reduce the stocks of non-performing loans (NPLs) across the European Union and to implement … Continued

EDW responds to various consultations relating to the review of the EU Securitisation Framework and NPLs

 EDW responds to various consultations relating to the review of the EU Securitisation Framework and NPLs As an ESMA-registered Securitisation Repository under the Securitisation Regulation (EU) 2017/2402 (SECR), European DataWarehouse has recently submitted responses to a number of consultations. These include the EC Targeted Consultation on the Functioning of the EU Securitisation Framework, the EBA … Continued

ESAs recommendations on private transactions

 ESAs recommendations for private securitisations The European Supervisory Authorities published a Joint Committee Report on 17 May 2021 pursuant to Article 44 of the Securitisation Regulation (SECR) (EU) 2017/2402 as part of its revision. The Report includes a number of recommendations for consideration by the European Commission in the context of the upcoming review of … Continued

ESG – A sustainable finance journey beyond the EU taxonomy

ESG – A Sustainable Finance Journey beyond the EU Taxonomy Sustainable Finance a key focus under the EU Green Deal The European regulatory landscape has been characterised by a period of profound change and development over the last decade. More recently, one of the main priorities of the European authorities and policy makers is sustainable … Continued

RMBS Amortisation Rates Show Signs of Return to Pre-COVID Levels

RMBS Amortisation Rates Show Signs of Return to Pre-COVID Levels Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, European DataWarehouse has utilised its vast loan-level database to provide insights into loan performance across various asset classes in Europe. In the RMBS asset class, for example, a previous EDW Q1 2021 analysis shows that delinquencies remained low during the COVID-19 … Continued

Insights on mortgage loan terms

Insights on mortgage loan terms From Baby Boomers to Generation Y: borrower age differences have an impact on mortgage loan terms, but did you know that jurisdiction plays an important role as well?   By analysing more than 7Mio RMBS loans across Europe, we were able to identify the differences among countries and for each … Continued


WHY ESG MATTERS TO EUROPEAN DATAWAREHOUSE Created in response to the 2008 global financial crisis, EDW has contributed to economic growth and social value creation by supporting the development of capital markets and promoting the circulation of safe credit. It has done so by increasing transparency in the securitisation market by processing, verifying, and disseminating … Continued

Steps toward the implementation of the EU NPL Action Plan

Steps toward the implementation of the EU NPL Action Plan In the context of a post-pandemic recovery, European governments and the European financial system have been preparing for a wave of non-performing loans (NPLs) which are expected to be unveiled once the various COVID-19 support measures are terminated. In particular, as moratoria and other fiscal … Continued