EDW Develops Dedicated Research Database on Auto and Leasing Securitisations

EDW Develops Dedicated Research Database on Auto and Leasing Securitisations FRANKFURT, GERMANY—29 November 2023 Following its first year of collaboration on the Green Auto Securitisation (GAS) initiative with the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE, European DataWarehouse (EDW) is pleased to share that it is developing a dedicated database related to auto and leasing asset-backed … Continued

Revisiting “The Babel Tower Of EPC Ratings”: Updated Thresholds Across Europe

Revisiting “The Babel Tower Of EPC Ratings”: Updated Thresholds Across Europe In 2020, European DataWarehouse (EDW) published “The Babel Tower of Energy Performance and Certificate Ratings in Europe”. This article contained a table comparing the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating thresholds across various countries and discussed EPC databases in Europe. In particular, the article highlighted … Continued

IRPH Index: Insight from European DataWarehouse

IRPH Index: Insight from European DataWarehouse On the 10th of September 2019, the Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union published a ruling against Spanish banks1 which used the Indice de Referencia de Préstamos Hipotecarios (IRPH) as a reference index for the mortgages they offered in the last decades2. The ruling … Continued

ABS SME Data: The Big Picture

ABS SME Data: The Big Picture In this report, we provide a general overview of the SME data available in our database1, which includes the loan level data (LLD) of all the public securitisations used for ECB repo collateral from 2013-Q3 to 2018-Q4.2 Our various exhibits show the most salient features of the data and … Continued

Standard Terms and Conditions for Accessing Securitisation Information

Standard Terms and Conditions for Accessing Securitisation Information I. Introduction The following standard terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) govern all use of the European DataWarehouse ABS data repository website (the “Site”) and the services offered on or through the Site (collectively, the “Services”). The Site and the Services are operated by European DataWarehouse … Continued

AFME Report: ESG securitisation issuance increases 273% from 2020 to 2021

ESG SECURITISATION ISSUANCE INCREASES BY 273% FROM 2020 TO 2021 The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) has published its latest ESG Finance Report for Q4 2021 and FY2021. The report, containing data from European DataWarehouse, provides a comprehensive overview of the latest trends in European Sustainable Finance, as well as a snapshot of … Continued

EDW Publication Inventory – Showcasing Loan-Level Insight Beyond the Field of Securitisation

EDW PUBLICATION INVENTORY: SHOWCASING LOAN-LEVEL INSIGHT BEYOND THE FIELD OF SECURITISATION With over a decade of service to Europe’s securitisation market under its belt, European DataWarehouse has collected over three billion loan records across all asset classes since its inception in 2012. Within those loan records lies a wealth of insight used predominantly in the … Continued